“While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril”

“While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril” (lines 2-


How Physicians Can Prepare for the Future of Health Care 
Ted A. James, MD, MHCM May 14, 2021

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the
past or present are certain to miss the future."

— John F. KennedyWhy is it important for physicians to think about the future of medicine? In almost any endeavor, keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril. In the same way, having foresight into the future of health care can mean the difference between success and failure for physicians and their practices.

Physicians must plan for the future of medicine. We live in a period of tremendous upheaval, and things are unlikely to return to normal anytime soon. The only constant is change, and the ability of physicians to prepare for a changing future has farreaching implications for patients and health care organizations. Newcomers are currently attempting to shift the clinical landscape to better meet patient care needs. These 'disruptive innovations' may displace those who are unable to adapt to the new trends. The same scenario has repeatedly played out in other markets, with conventional businesses left in the dust as innovators soar to new heights. Therefore, physicians should not only be prepared for the future of medicine, but we should also play a vital role in leading the change. 

Accelerated Digital Health 
The pandemic has accelerated the implementation of health care technologies and capabilities, which will radically alter the patient experience and clinical outcomes, paving the way for value-based disruption. The future offers hospital-level care provided to a patient's home at a lower cost and better outcomes using established technology such as remote monitoring. Similarly, AI will advance diagnostic capabilities and clinical decision support at a rapid pace. AI may also aid data mining, resulting in breakthroughs in precision medicine and predictive risk stratification. AI-powered technologies, such as health care chatbots, can allow greater access and timeliness of treatment. Although it is unlikely that digital technology will completely replace doctors anytime soon, physicians and practices who use these technologies may soon replace those who do not. 

Developing a Disruptive Mindset
We must also be prepared to challenge our existing paradigms. Positive disruptive thinking is needed to avoid becoming obsolete. Developing a disruptive mindset requires adopting a positive view of change, never settling for the status quo and a willingness to take a start-up approach to transform health care. It is more than incremental iteration; it is a transformational shift. For example, the progression from records to tapes to CDs represented conventional innovation, while the advent of digital streaming music brought about a disruptive innovation in the music industry.

It is also important to employ 'Design Thinking,' where the patient's experience is considered when developing new health delivery strategies. Redesigning care from the patient's perspective, with their direct input, and incorporating technology to improve patient access and convenience can aid in the implementation of effective patient care solutions.

Why go back to normal when we can redesign a better future? I encourage physicians to take the first step in leading the transformation process. Commit to making things better by finding something to improve. Physicians have the power to restructure the health care system, and using the power to shape the future is the best way to prepare for it. 
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“While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril” (lines 2-3) connects two 

(A) required actions.
(B) harmful decisions.
(C) desirable conditions.
(D) promising prospects.
(E) contrasting situations.


(E) contrasting situations.

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curiosidades,2,enade,23,exercícios,4,inglês,1,português,1,provas,82,provas unicesumar,25,questão albert einstein,50,questão analista em tecnologia da informação,76,questão biomedicina,40,questão cfc,100,questão consulplan,168,questão consultor do tesouro estadual,27,questão cremern,27,questão da agirh,25,questão da albert einstein,71,questão da ameosc,15,questão da amrigs,10,questão da avança sp,88,questão da cesgranrio,70,questão da cespe,1,questão da espcex,397,questão da espm,80,questão da famema,168,questão da famerp,212,questão da fapese,10,questão da fatec,217,questão da fcc,120,questão da fepese,205,questão da fgv,883,questão da fmabc,90,questão da fmj,120,questão da fmp,60,questão da fuvest,633,questão da mackenzie,380,questão da oab,466,questão da obmep,162,questão da puc-rj,81,questão da reis&reis,20,questão da santa casa,259,questão da ucpel,64,questão da uece,302,questão da ueg,168,questão da uel,48,questão da uema,159,questão da uesb,60,questão da ufgd,447,questão da 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Questões com Gabarito: “While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril”
“While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril”
“While” in “keeping ahead of the curve is rewarded, while missing the boat is met with peril” (lines 2-
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