Bacteria are any of a very large group of single-celled microorganisms that display a wide range of metabolic
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Bacteria are any of a very large group of single-celled microorganisms that display a wide range of metabolic types, geometric shapes and environmental habitats—and niches—of occurrence. Normally only several micrometers in length, bacteria assume the form of spheres, rods, spirals and other shapes. Bacteria are found in a very broad gamut of habitats; for example, bacterial extremophiles that thrive in such places as hot springs, arctic environments, radioactive waste, deep sea oil seeps, deep Earth crustal environments, hypersaline ponds and within other living organisms. There are approximately 50 million bacterial organisms in a single gram of typical surface soil. The worldwide bacterial biomass exceeds that of all plants and animals on Earth. However, the majority of bacteria have not yet been characterised. [...]
Occurrence and function
Bacteria occur in almost any man-made or natural environment, including in soils, water and the atmosphere, as well as on and inside of living organisms. In fact, many bacteria species are extremophiles, which are adapted variously to extreme temperature, pressure, pH, salinity and other abiotic factors. The family Thermaceae is comprised by a number of thermophilic genera, including Thermus, Meiothermus, Marinithermus, Vulcanithermus, Oceanithermus and Truepera. Bacterial members of genus Deinococcus are highly resistent to extreme doses of ionising radiation. In fact, some bacterial species within each phylum are some type of extremophile, and in some cases a given bacterium may be an extremophile with respect to two or more abiotic parameters. Bacterial organisms are key in recycling nutrients, with many aspects of nutrient cycles depending on bacterial metabolism, such as nitrogen fixation from the Earth's atmosphere and putrefaction.
Disponível em:
Assinale V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) para as alternativas.
a) ( ) Na definição de bactéria apresentada no texto, menciona-se como características deste ser a grande diversidade de tamanhos, tipos, formatos e locais de ocorrência.
b) ( ) “Bacteria”, em inglês, é a forma plural de “bacterium”.
c) ( ) Segundo o texto, bactérias podem habitar lugares bem variados, como poços de petróleo no mar, lixo radioativo, fontes termais e outros organismos.
d) ( ) Calcula-se que haja 50 milhões de bactérias no planeta, o que excede a biomassa de todas as plantas e animais da Terra.
A) F
B) V
C) V
D) F
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