O inchaço é resultado da mudança do fluxo sanguíneo na área traumatizada, podendo impedir que leucócitos
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How Is Inflammation Involved in Swelling? - Kara Rogers
Immediately following an injury, the traumatized area becomes red, warm, and painful, and it begins to swell. The swelling process, also known as edema, is the result of acute inflammation, a response triggered by damage to living tissues.
In the case of injury, the purpose of the inflammatory response is to remove components of damaged tissue in order to allow the body to begin to heal. The first stage of this process is characterized by a change in blood flow in the damaged area. Blood vessels eventually dilate and increase blood flow into the tissue, creating redness in the traumatized area. This is followed by an increase in blood vessel permeability, allowing fluid, proteins, and white blood cells to migrate from the circulation to the site of tissue damage. The flood of fluids, cells, and other substances to the injured site is what produces swelling. Swelling is sometimes so severe that it restricts movement of the affected part of the body.
Swelling, heat, and redness in injured tissue areas are reduced by the work of white blood cells, particularly phagocytes. Phagocytes clean up cellular debris resulting from the injury. Phagocytes known as neutrophils contain granules of digestive enzymes specialized for this process. They typically infiltrate the injured site in large numbers within an hour of injury. One to two days later, other white cells known as monocytes enter the area to complete the process of clearing away dead cells.
An inflammatory response that results from injury generally lasts only a few days. If inflammation continues, it may eventually be referred to as chronic inflammation, with persistent low-level swelling, prolonged tissue damage, and unusually slow healing.
(Disponível em: https://www.britannica.com/story/how-is-inflammation-involved-in-swelling)
Assinale V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) para as alternativas.
a) ( ) O inchaço é resultado da mudança do fluxo sanguíneo na área traumatizada, podendo impedir que leucócitos e fluidos cheguem até o tecido danificado.
b) ( ) No trecho “Swelling is sometimes so severe that it restricts movement of the affected part of the body”, as palavras sublinhadas introduzem uma ideia de finalidade.
c) ( ) A função dos fagócitos é limpar os resíduos celulares da área lesionada.
d) ( ) Espera-se que a resposta inflamatória dure apenas alguns dias, porém a inflamação pode se tornar crônica, com inchaço acentuado e cicatrização incomum.
A) F
B) F
C) V
D) F
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