UFGD 2014 - QUESTÃO 37 The legacy of conflict-related violence endures long after a peace agreement is signed. In too many cases, violence ...
UFGD 2014 - QUESTÃO 37
The legacy of conflict-related violence endures long after a peace agreement is signed. In too many cases, violence and insecurity continue or even increase for women, facilitated by large-scale impunity, the absence of effective justice systems and an unreformed security sector. Re-establishing the rule of law is the foundation for women’s security, protection of rights, and, ultimately, an equitable peace.
On 18 October 2013, the UN Security Council will convene an Open Debate on women and peace and security with a focus on “Women, Rule of Law and Transitional Justice”.
Disponível em: http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/open-debate-on-women-peace-and-security-2013#sthash.G1AWzfhC.dpuf
According to the text, which is the correct option:
(A) In the world nobody is concerned in linking women’s experiences of conflict to the international peace and security agenda, focusing attention on the disproportionate impact of conflict on women, and calling for women’s engagement in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
(B) It´s not important to get more women to be part of peace negotiations, or ensuring their safety and economic recovery once peace accords are signed. In fact, they are not sure about their rights.
(C) United Nations are supporting implementation of women, peace and security commitments. This includes support for strengthening women’s peace coalitions and to help prepare them for engagement in peace processes; work with peacekeepers to help detect and prevent conflict-related sexual violence; support to build justice and security institutions that protect women and girls from violence and discrimination.
(D) There aren´t initiatives to promote public services that respond to women’s needs, ensure women’s access to economic opportunities, and build women’s engagement in public decision-making at national and local levels.
(E) Gender equality and women’s empowerment is sufficient nowadays to international peace and security, underlining that the economic empowerment of women greatly contributes to the stabilization of societies emerging from armed conflict.
(E) Gender equality and women’s empowerment is sufficient nowadays to international peace and security, underlining that the economic empowerment of women greatly contributes to the stabilization of societies emerging from armed conflict.
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