UFU 2022 - QUESTÃO 45 Early in life, it is most often delaying partnering and childbearing that increases solo-living. Living alone is also ...
UFU 2022 - QUESTÃO 45
Early in life, it is most often delaying partnering and childbearing that increases solo-living. Living alone is also common in countries where rural youth migrate to urban centers for work and form their own household.
Among young adults, men take longer to get married or move in with partners compared to women. In later life, the gender trend reverses dramatically, and women live alone two to four times more often than men across 113 countries looked at in one study. This can be explained by women living longer than men on average, resulting in more widows living alone. Increasing life expectancy, dissolution of partnerships and death of a partner tend to be the main drivers behind trends in elderly one person households.
Middle-aged adults’ solo-living is more complex. According to a Canadian panel survey, employed men and those living in vulnerable communities are less likely to stay living on their own compared to unemployed men and those living in less vulnerable communities, respectively. Among women, those with poor health and medium-level of education are more likely to live alone compared to women with excellent health and lower education.
In countries with high value placed on the individual, living alone is more common than countries with high value of family co‐residence. For example, in Sweden and across the Nordics living alone has become a norm through a “culture of individualism” and a welfare state which enables people to access affordable housing and public services independent of family support.
Disponiv́ el em: <https://theconversation.com/>. Acesso em: 24 set. 2022.
Com base no texto, considere as afirmações abaixo.
I. Homens de meia idade desempregados e em comunidades menos vulneráveis tendem a viver sozinhos.
II. De acordo com um dos estudos, mulheres mais velhas vivem muito mais com a companhia de familiares.
III. Em alguns países, a cultura e a existência de políticas públicas favorecem viver sozinho.
IV. A migração da zona rural para as cidades contribui para o compartilhamento de habitação entre jovens.
V. Mulheres de meia idade com saúde comprometida vivem mais com companhia que outras mais saudáveis.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta apenas afirmativas corretas, de acordo com o texto.
A) Apenas I e II.
B) Apenas I e III.
C) Apenas II e V.
D) Apenas III e IV.
B) Apenas I e III.
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