UFU 2022 - QUESTÃO 47 So, to avoid listeriosis, use a fridge thermometer to check your fridge is running at a temperature below 5℃. It’s als...
UFU 2022 - QUESTÃO 47
So, to avoid listeriosis, use a fridge thermometer to check your fridge is running at a temperature below 5℃. It’s also important to not eat foods that are past their use-by dates. And follow the opened storage duration instructions, for example:
“Once opened, consume within two days”. In contrast, other food poisoning is usually the result of poor food handling (such as not separating raw and cooked food, or failing to wash hands) that leads to cross-contamination, or failure to cook food to high enough temperatures to reduce the number of bacteria.
The increased cost of food and the rising cost of energy is having a significant effect on people’s finances. But people could unintentionally put themselves at risk of listeriosis when attempting to reduce their energy usage or spending on food. For example, people may be more tempted to eat foods beyond their use-by date or keep foods for longer than the recommended duration after opening to avoid wasting food and money.
Also, people may be more likely to adjust the temperature of their fridge to reduce electricity usage. Although many people may be looking at different ways of saving money during this difficult time, we must remember that storing food for too long at the wrong temperature can allow listeria to grow to high numbers, enough to make us ill.
Unfortunately, we can’t see, smell or taste listeria. So ensuring our fridges are running at temperatures below 5℃, and that we follow the use-by dates and the opened storage duration instructions, are essential to protect ourselves and our families from listeria, particularly during the cost of living crisis.
Disponiv́ el em: <https://theconversation.com/>. Acesso em: 25 set. 2022.
According to this text on listeriosis, we can state that
I. you can avoid it by not eating foods that have been opened too long or that have reached their storagedates.
II. you can also avoid eating contaminated food with listeria if it changes its appearance, smell or taste.
III. it is usually caused by cross-contamination which could result from poor food handling.
IV. keeping food under the right temperature will help protect your family against food poisoning.
V. people may be putting themselves at risk of listeriosis when trying to save money and reduce living costs.
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta as afirmativas corretas.
A) Apenas II e III.
B) Apenas III e V.
C) Apenas IV e V.
D) Apenas I e II.
C) Apenas IV e V.
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