The study found that people at higher risk of having long Covid, of going through long-term problems, are those who

T E X T  Nearly Half of Covid Patients Haven’t Fully Recovered Months  Later, Study Finds A study of tens of thousands of people in  Scotlan...
T E X T 
Nearly Half of Covid Patients Haven’t Fully Recovered Months 
Later, Study Finds

A study of tens of thousands of people in 
Scotland found that one in 20 people who had been sick 
with Covid reported not recovering at all, and another 
four in 10 said they had not fully recovered from their 
infections many months later.

The authors of the study, published in the journal 
Nature Communications, tried to home in on the longterm risks of Covid by comparing the frequency of 
symptoms in people with and without previous Covid 

People with previous symptomatic Covid 
infections reported certain persistent symptoms, such 
as breathlessness, palpitations and confusion or 
difficulty concentrating, at a rate roughly three times as 
high as uninfected people in surveys from six to 18 
months later, the study found. Those patients also 
experienced elevated risks of more than 20 other 
symptoms relating to the heart, respiratory health, 
muscle aches, mental health and the sensory system.

The findings strengthened calls from scientists 
for more expansive care options for long Covid patients 
in the United States and elsewhere, while also offering 
some good news.

The study did not identify greater risks of long
term problems in people with asymptomatic 
coronavirus infections. It also found, in a much more 
limited subset of participants who had been given at 
least one dose of Covid vaccine before their infections, 
that vaccination appeared to help reduce if not 
eliminate the risk of some long Covid symptoms.

People with severe initial Covid cases were at 
higher risk of long-term problems, the study found. “The 
beauty of this study is they have a control group, and 
they can isolate the proportion of symptomatology that 
is attributable to Covid infection,” said Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, 
chief of research at the V.A. St. Louis Health Care System 
and a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in 
St. Louis, who was not involved in the research. “It also 
tracks with the broader idea that long Covid is truly a 
multisystem disorder,” Dr. Al-Aly said, one that resides 
“not only in the brain, not only in the heart — it’s all of 
the above.”

Jill Pell, a professor of public health at the 
University of Glasgow who led the research, said the
findings reinforced the importance of long Covid 
patients being offered support that extends beyond 
health care and also addresses needs related to jobs, 
education, poverty and disability. “It told us that Covid 
can appear differently in different individuals, and it can 
have more than one impact on your life,” Dr. Pell said. 
“Any approach to supporting people has to be, firstly, 
personalized and also holistic. The answer doesn’t just 
lie within the health care sector.

Long Covid refers to a constellation of problems 
that can plague patients for months or longer after an 
infection. Over the last year, researchers have given 
more attention to understanding the daunting 
aftereffects as the number of Covid cases exploded and 
health systems learned to better manage the initial 
stages of an infection. U.S. government estimates have 
indicated that between 7.7 million and 23 million people 
in the United States could have long Covid.

Globally, “the condition is devastating people’s 
lives and livelihoods,” Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 
the director general of the World Health Organization, 
wrote in an article for The Guardian. He called on all 
countries to devote “immediate and sustained action 
equivalent to its scale.”

The authors of the study in Scotland tracked 
33,000 people who had tested positive for the virus 
starting in April 2020 and 63,000 who had never been 
diagnosed with Covid. In six-month intervals, those 
people were asked about any symptoms they had, 
including tiredness, muscle aches, chest pain and 
neurological problems, and about any difficulties with 
daily life.

Of those with previous Covid cases, 6 percent 
said on their most recent follow-up survey that they had 
not recovered at all and 42 percent said that they had 
only partly recovered. Women, older people and those 
living in poorer areas faced more serious aftereffects 
from a Covid infection. So, too, did those with pre-
existing health problems, including respiratory disease 
and depression.

Only a small portion of the study participants — 
about 4 percent — had been vaccinated before their 
infections, and many of those with only a single dose. 
“We’re now really heavily reliant upon vaccination,” Dr. 
Pell said, “which does confer some protection, but it’s 
not absolute.”
Adapted from:

UECE 2023.1 - QUESTÃO 80
The study found that people at higher risk of having long Covid, of going through long-term problems, are those who 

A) were asymptomatic. 

B) were given one dose of Covid vaccine. 

C) had severe Covid infection. 

D) had mild Covid infection.


C) had severe Covid infection.

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Questões com Gabarito: The study found that people at higher risk of having long Covid, of going through long-term problems, are those who
The study found that people at higher risk of having long Covid, of going through long-term problems, are those who
Questões com Gabarito
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