No segundo parágrafo, o autor enumera formas em que o livro pode ajudar o leitor e, em seguida, apresenta testemunho
Leia os textos abaixo e responda as questões de 17 e 18.
Are you looking for a free ebook that can really change your life in positive and effective ways? Does itsound even better to you that it’s available for immediate download and you don’t even need to enter your email address to get it?
The free ebook available here can help you with a huge range of issues that will improve your life in many ways. It can help you let go off painful situations from the past and face the future with a happier and more positive attitude. It can help you feel better about yourself, feel better about those you know (and those you have known) and feel better about life. Since I have started using the methods in this book my life has changed dramatically - for the better - and just keeps going more and more that way.People from all over the world are using this book to improve the way they see life and the way the see the world. It brings deep and profound changes that accumulate the more you work with the material and the exercises in the book.
At this point you will rightfully start to think, “Where is the catch?”. But there is no catch – not really. Of course, you will have a bit of work to do to achieve results with this method. But, this is true of everything in life and the results are highly significant relative to the little amount of work you need to put into it.Also, you might need to confront some of your own limiting beliefs and be willing to let those go in order to really make progress. But, all this is normal and should not be a surprise.
You may have an aversion to the topic of the book, because it might initially seem ‘religious’ – which it is not. The principles in this book were around long before there was anything recognisable as a religion - in the modern sense - and will still be around eons from now. Also the topic might be off-putting to you because it is something you feel you should already be doing, but don’t know how. You might initially feel a twang of guilt or shame in response to the title of the book – which is why I have held back mentioning it – but there is not need for this at all. This book will set you free from guilt and shame.
If you have not guessed already – the topic of the book is “How to Forgive”. But it is not a religious book (though if you are religious it won’t offend you either). The book will show you a quick and easy way that you can use to learn how to forgive. It will also explain to you why learning to forgive is such a powerful and life changing thing to do. Everything gets radically better when you learn to forgive.
(Disponível em:
Assinale V (verdadeiro) ou F (falso) para as alternativas.
a) ( ) No segundo parágrafo, o autor enumera formas em que o livro pode ajudar o leitor e, em seguida, apresenta testemunho de vários leitores sobre como a leitura os ajudou a superar problemas.
b) ( ) O autor reconhece que o leitor pode suspeitar de que haja alguma “pegadinha” na promoção do livro, mas esclarece que a única coisa que o leitor terá de fazer ao comprar o livro é fornecer o seu e-mail.
c) ( ) O autor avisa ao possível leitor da obra que deverá abandonar crenças limitadoras para fazer progresso real em relação ao tema do livro.
d) ( ) Depreende-se que, para o autor, temas religiosos podem ser aversivos a certos leitores, mas ele afirma que isso não deveria ser assim, uma vez que a religião tem estado entre nós desde tempos ancestrais e continuará desse modo por muito tempo ainda.
A) F
B) F
C) V
D) F
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